Breastmilk. That stuff that’s known as “liquid gold”. A precious thing that our bodies can provide for our little ones. That special bond that’s created when journeying through the ups and downs of breastfeeding. What if you could capture a little reminder of that special ( beautiful, long, short, difficult etc.) journey that we go on?
Well, good thing there’s such thing as breastmilk jewelry. Yes, it’s a thing. If I can be completely honestly, never did I EVER think I would want something made from my own breastmilk, especially a piece of Breast Milk Jewelry. But since I became a mama and my breastfeeding journey has come to an end, I completely understand what it means to have a tangible memory looking back on the beautiful journey I’ve been on with my daughter.
That’s why I’m sharing this super unique gift idea that would make the ultimate Mother’s Day Gift for any mama!

It’s Called a Journey For a Reason
Breastfeeding sure didn’t come easy at first. I immediately struggled to get my daughter to latch properly and it was the most painful thing I’ve been through. Pain worse than actually giving birth (thanks epidural!). After trying and trying, I ended up having to use a nipple shield and was left feeling a little disappointed and guilty that my baby didn’t get to have that full skin to skin contact. I felt a little frustrated because the whole breastfeeding journey wasn’t going how I had planned. I didn’t realize how hard breastfeeding actually was! It’s definitely an art.
Over the next few months I felt grateful because the shield was actually making it easier for my baby to take a bottle because she was used to that plastic feeling. Although it did have some benefits, I was still determined to stop using the shield. I tried and tried to get my daughter to go without the shield but it seemed like that would never happen. My daughter was about 3 months old when one day she just magically latched and never looked back at the whole nipple shield thing. I was so proud! She ate like a champ and breastfeeding suddenly was super smooth from there on out. I continued pumping and nursing my daughter until she was 18 months old to the day and was heartbroken once it finally came to an end. Nobody prepared me for the sadness I felt. Post-breastfeeding hormones are wild! But it seemed like it was harder for me that it was on my baby.
It’s been a few moths since my girl has completely stopped nursing and I used up all of the frozen supply I had in my freezer. One day I was going through my freezer and I found a teeny tiny 2 oz. baggie of breastmilk that must have got lost in the way back at some point. That’s when I realized that I could make some breastmilk jewelry, because I wasn’t about to throw away the last few drops of breastmilk that I had. (Sentimental much? lol)That’s when I discovered Milk & Honey’s DIY Breastmilk Jewelry Kit.
Crafting Your Special Piece Made Simple
The perfect kit that comes with everything you need to create a beautiful, one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry that holds tremendous sentimental value. The beautiful thing about this DIY Kit is that you can make a piece of jewelry out of breastmilk, formula, a loved one’s ashes, and even a little lock of hair! It doesn’t just limit to those that breastfeed! All you need to really do is find the perfect jewelry bezel to get started.

There are SO many empty jewelry bezels out there to choose from. I bought all of the bezels from ShivaFindings on Etsy. They are super nice quality and handmade to order. I love the style of the twisted band and size differences of the bezels. Once you have the bezels and the kit, it’s time to get started on creating!

The instructions are super easy to follow and makes it a breeze to create the perfect special jewelry piece that you can proudly wear. I like that there are a couple different options included in each Kit like the white pigment for making the jewelry more opaque and white and also the option to add a little pearlescent powder to make the pieces shimmer. My rings turned out absolutely perfect!! I ended up adding a little white pigment and a TINY amount of the pearlescent powder.

I really enjoyed the simplicity of this special kit and how easy is was to preserve my breastmilk and capture that sweet memory of my personal breastfeeding journey. All of those countless, exhausting middle-of-the-night feedings holding my warm little bundle of love, endless cuddles belly to belly really are sacred and a memory that I cherish. Breastfeeding is an astonishing journey that should absolutely be celebrated. That’s why I will proudly wear my breastmilk jewelry pieces.

Shop Milk & Honey Jewelry
Get your DIY Breastmilk Jewelry Kit Here.
Want to send your breastmilk in and have a custom piece made just for you? Milk & Honey can make your breastmilk jewelry for you! Here are all of their gorgeous pieces they can make for you.
*Huge thank-you to Milk & Honey Jewelry for providing the DIY Kit. All opinions and thoughts are completely 100% honest and my own.
Tammy Louise Smith
I was looking at your post about the ring you made from the Milk and Honey kit. Did you order the ring settings thru them as well. I appreciate you help.
Thanks, Tammy
Kendallyn Jenson
Hey Tammy, I apologize for getting back to you SO late! I ordered the ring bezels on Etsy! If you type in Ring Bezels on Etsy, there are so many options!