The Best Easter Basket Gift Ideas for Toddler Girls - Shop with Kendallyn
How is it already almost Easter?! Being a fairly new mama to a 19 month-old, holidays have me even more excited when they roll around because I get to make it magical for a cute little one now! There’s just something so priceless seeing your little one’s face light up when you give them the perfect gifts. Easter really is coming up fast, so if you’re on the lookout for darling Easter gift ideas for toddler girls, look no further! Here is a list of some affordable, fun Easter basket goodies that any toddler girl would absolutely love! Here are my top picks this year: 1. Wooden Camera Toy 2. Wooden Name Puzzle 3. Lace Socks Set 4. Burt’s Bees Cotton Zip Up Pajamas 5. Peter Rabbit Classics Gift Set 6. Cute Blush Sneaker Shoes 7. Hopscotch Rabbit Family Play Set 8. Baby Girl Bow Set 9. Pastel Wooden Shaker Eggs 10. Silicone Toddler Snacking Cup 11. Plush Bunny 12. Animal Finger Puppets What do you always include in your child’s Easter Basket? Let me know in the comments below! *Not sponsored. This post contains affiliates links, which means I may get compensated if you purchase through the links. You will not be charged anything additional for purchasing through these links. 😊