I'm having a baby! Adorable Nursery Decor Inspiration - Shop with Kendallyn
That’s right! I’m already 20 weeks pregnant and basically just now getting the word out. Being only 23, my husband and I decided it was time to grow our family and we are so excited and honored to become parents! Becoming a soon-to-be mama has been absolutely amazing so far and has of course got me planning all kinds of things, and one thing I’m finally getting to focus on is the nursery!! I think it’s exciting for all moms to plan out the nursery, especially when they find out what they’re having! I found out I’m having a girl and am SO excited to put our baby’s room together! Whether you’re having a boy or girl, or not choosing to find out what you’re having until you deliver, there are so many places to get inspo like Pinterest and Instagram! I’ve been scrolling through Pinterest a lot lately and wanted to show you guys some of my personal favorite pictures that have been giving me some MAJOR inspiration! Hope you enjoy! I absolutely love how the possibilities are literally endless when it comes to designing and decorating your precious baby’s room. I can’t wait to start putting the nursery together and share the reveal! To see more of my personal style inspo, follow my “Baby Girl Nursery” board by clicking here!