How to Protect Color Treated Hair this Summer with Surya Brasil's Buriti Hair Mask: Review - Shop with Kendallyn
Hair Needs Sun Protection Too! Did you know that the sun can seriously harm your hair, especially when it is color treated? It can lighten or alter the look of your hair color, dry it out, and make it become extremely brittle! Being someone with color treated hair, I like to try and preserve my color for as long as I can. Looking for products to help keep my hair in the best possible condition, I got the awesome opportunity to try out Surya Brasil’s Amazonia Preciosa Buriti Hair mask ($15.99) from After testing it out, I have to say it really makes my hair feel and look amazing. The 100% vegan, natural, and organic Buriti hair mask does a number of things to make the hair look and feel absolutely beautiful. Some of the things it does is help restore brilliance to color-treated hair, preserve and keep it from drying, becoming brittle, and fading from the suns harmful UV rays. The first time trying it out, I simply washed my hair with some gentle shampoo, then combed through a good amount of the Buriti hair mask giving my hair a generous coating since my hair is so long. I then tied my hair up in a bun and put a towel on my head for around 15 minutes. After rinsing and drying, I styled my hair and it still felt absolutely soft and ready to go out into the sunny world! Since using it a few times, my hair feels transformed in a way, and I’m not just saying that. My hair feels and looks more glossy, all while being protected from the sun. Thanks to Surya Brasil, I don’t have to worry about my hair being destroyed by the sun this summer! Shop Surya Brasil Shop for wonderful hair care, beauty products, and more by clicking the link below: *Disclaimer: Product Received as a sample for review. All opinions are my own.