My Adventures at the Oregon Coast - Shop with Kendallyn
Hello and welcome to Shop with Kendallyn! Here are some of my adventures along the Oregon Coast! I feel so lucky to live close enough to the beach to be able to take day trips down there! One of my favorite places to be is the beach. Yes, most of the time the weather is cold, overcast and foggy, but I find something so refreshing about the Oregon Coast in particular. This weekend my boyfriend and I left around 9 and got to Newport, our first stop, around noon. Expecting the usual overcast, cool weather like usual, I dressed in pants, long sleeves, and a vest. When we got there I was pleasantly surprised to find beautiful clear blue skies. Our very first stop was “Thor’s Well”. Thor’s well is a natural fountain powered by the oceans waves on Cape Purpetua that people go to watch at high tide. Unfortunately it didn’t look like much because we went when the tide was too low to ‘wow’ us like the pictures did when I googled it. It was still beautiful nonetheless. This is the snapshot I got of it. After looking at Thor’s Well, we were hungry and knew exactly where we wanted to eat for lunch. We went to ‘Luna Sea Fish House’ in Yachats, Oregon. We both got their halibut fish and chips and it was amazing! Once we were done eating lunch, we stopped at ‘Topper’s Ice Cream & Candy’ just next door and bought some saltwater taffy because that’s just what you do every time you visit the beach, right? Or am I the only one? We sure stocked up on a ton of different, wonderful flavors. My favorite flavor will always be cinnamon. While still in Newport, we decided to visit ‘The Wax Works Living Museum’. I’ve been there before growing up, but my boyfriend never been so of course he had to see it. I didn’t get very many good quality pictures, but here are a few. I totally met Johnny Depp…. .. .But really, I didn’t think it looked much like him. What do you think? Now this one creeped me out a little bit. I didn’t get a chance to look at the plaque on this display. Does anyone know what film he is from? This was one of my favorite scenes in the was museum. It looked awesome. This was a cool scene too! Can you spot Gollum? And here are the last pictures I got from the wax museum.. So I turned the corner and this ‘hunk’ was looking up at me. After snapping the picture I wanted to take another one with a different setting on my camera and accidentally turned on my flash instead.. It was even more frightening than the first image I took. Anyways, after the wax museum we walked just across the street to a dock to look at some sea lions sunbathing on floating platforms below. They were super loud because they were trying to claim their spot on the small platforms and clumsily fought with each other to keep their own little space. It was very entertaining to be honest. On the same dock where we watched the sea lions, there was the perfect spot to take a picture in front of the Yaquina Bay Bridge in Newport so of course I just had to! Once we were done exploring a tiny bit of all the things Newport has to offer, we headed north again and stopped at Devil’s Punch Bowl, a beautiful beach where a lot of surfers and body boarders go. There were gorgeous boulders and tide pools all over the place. Definitely one of my favorite beaches to hang out on. This little fella looks huge, but was actually about as big as a quarter. After enjoying a good hour at Devil’s Punch Bowl, we decided to go further north until we got to Lincoln city and stopped at another beach we thought looked pretty for our last stop of the day before heading home. Thank goodness I brought an extra change of clothes because it got even hotter out. And if you haven’t already noticed, my boyfriend isn’t in any of these pictures because he refused to be in any so I made him be my photographer. 🙂 Nothing better than sitting on the beach with your toes in the sand. The day trip to the beach was wonderful and relaxing. We sure lucked out on the beautiful weather that day! Something about the Oregon Coast is so refreshing, and seems be always calling my name. Thanks for letting me show you all the adventures I had at the beach this last weekend! What’s your favorite beach on the Oregon Coast? Any suggestions on where to visit next time? Leave them in the comments below!